Michigan State University students pay taxes to campus organizations like ASMSU (Associated Students of MSU). Because you pay the tax, you are eligible to vote on referenda, constitutional changes, and in representative elections. The items displayed on your ballot are drawn from the college(s) that the SIS INFO system recognizes at the time of voting. If you have issues viewing a specific ballot items, please contact election@msu.edu.
Generally speaking, when you ask for your tax to be refunded (at the beginning of a semester), you lose your eligibility to vote on certain things. This depends on the organization. The Student Elections system attempts to accurately display what you are eligible to vote on based on these rules.
Contact election@msu.edu. Provide your full name, college(s)/major(s), PID number and describe the situation. They will respond directly to you if they can explain why you are unable to vote on the issue. If they cannot determine why you were unable to vote or it appears to be a technical problem, they will forward the message to the appropriate person who will get back to you.